The Touhou Project (東方Project) is a Japanese video game series created by sole Team Shanghai Alice member ZUN. It's a series of 2D vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up games, that also creates related print works and music CDs. There are also numerous fighting game spinoffs co-produced with Twilight Frontier, sometimes featuring all new never-before-seen characters.
This collection encompasses poster renditions of 106 characters from the series, created over the course of 3 years (2017-20). It's sorted in a reverse chronological order (newest posters shown first, with the rare exception of reworks), and you can inspect each poster in full screen by clicking on it.
You can also click a character name under every row of posters to learn more about them and compare their in-game appearances with my graphics.
Additionally, you're able to use your browser's "Find in Page" feature (CTRL+F on desktops) and write down a character's name to quickly locate their poster because they aren't listed alphabetically, so it may be hard to find a specific one.
P.S. Excuse the possible slow loading times. Do keep in mind that there are over 100 images within this project!
All photos taken and edited by me. Wanna support or commission me? Click these words!