Brand Zine is the final result of my incessant desire to master the craft of editorial design, as well as have an editorial project in my portfolio.
The idea was born when I was brainstorming portfolio ideas back in February.
I remembered that there's already a host of articles about branding and graphic design over on my Medium profile.
Thus, I thought, by combining those articles into an easy-to-read zine format, which could also be printed and shown to new connections at conferences and networking events, multiple objectives could be accomplished at the same time:
- Becoming more adept at InDesign
- Landing editorial design gigs would be easier with an editorial project in my portfolio
- Having a physical product to showcase at networking events
And a month after the initial idea, Brand Zine is now a fully fledged reality! At this moment, there is only one physical copy available, but you can read through the digital version of the zine here.